How does it work?

Arrive at any time during the event (keeping in mind conversation sessions are on the hour and the last session will begin an hour before the closing time).

See the list of available topics for the day, find a topic that sparks your curiosity and reserve an available time slot.

When your session starts, you will join the Stranger at their allocated seating area, they will introduce themselves with a short introduction about their topic and lived experience. For the remainder of 45 minutes you are allowed to ask them anything (yes ANYTHING) about their topic and engage in a conversation about it.

You are welcome to end a session at any time, and you are welcome to have as many conversations as you want to/is available during an event.

Please register and reserve a ticket for the topic that sparks your curiosity (choose only one topic per session/time slot).

You will receive a confirmation e-mail, and a link to join the online event room for the date of the event.

On that day, after joining via the link (Zoom), you will be welcomed into the main online event space, be given an introduction of what to expect, and then be allocated into a breakout room with the volunteer who’s topic you have selected.

After a short introduction from the volunteer, you will be able to ask questions and have a conversation for the remainder of 45 minutes.

Team members will be available to assist at all times and if you have any questions you are more than welcome to reach out to us.

Upcoming Events